Local Directory / Local Phonebook / Local Contacts

Enabling/Disabling the Local Directory Visibility

Some users like to use Local Directories only.  For faster access to that directory, the Remote Directory can be disabled.  To have your Remote Directory disabled, please contact Speechpath and one of the support team will do that for you.

Creating a Directory Group

  1. Press the ‘Directory’ Button and then press the ‘Add Group’ Button.
  2. Name the Group using the abc Button to change Case of the Letters and press the ‘Save’ button to save the new group.

Deleting a Contact Group

  1. Press the ‘Directory’ Button.
  2. Using the arrow keys, move the selection curser to the Group you wish to delete.
  3. Press the ‘Options’ Button and select ‘Delete’.

Adding Contacts

  1. Press the ‘Directory’ Button.
  2. Using the phones arrow buttons, choose the Contact Group you wish to add the new contact to and press ‘OK’.
  3. Now press ‘Add’ and enter the new contact’s details while using the abc button to edit the case of the letters.  Then press ‘Save’ once finished.

Editing and Existing Contact

  1. Look up the contact in the Local Directory you wish to edit.
  2. Press the ‘Options’ for that contact and then select ‘Details’.
  3. You can now edit the contact details while using the abc button to change the letters case.  Press ‘Save’ once finished.

Deleting an Existing Contact

  1. Look up the contact in the Local Directory you wish to edit.
  2. Press the ‘Options’ for that contact and then select ‘Details’.
  3. You can now edit the contact details while using the abc button to change the
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